Fablab Safety


  • To understand WSH regulations in SP and the safe practices in the Fab Lab workshops.
  • To be familiarised with the safety infrastructure in Fab Lab/workshops and to know machines’ hazards.

General Safety Rules and Regulations in SP

SP's safe framework:

  • Support and engage students on safety & health issues in campus.
  • Act on 4 main focus areas: Risk Management Capability, Incident-Accident Reporting, Training & Education on WSH, Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan
  • Facilitate emergency drill, in-house training/workshops and outreach programme.
  • Educate all students and staff about safety and health awareness through a series of talk using WSH communication kit as well as online quizzes and safety modules.

Emergency Procedures

In the event of accident, students must immediately inform the lecturer or TSO. Dial 995 for Ambulance/SCDF, call SP Emergency hotline 6772-1234 for all emergencies and incident reporting.

When making an emergency call, it is essential to give precise information as follows:

  1. Name of caller
  2. Location(block and room number)
  3. Nature of emergency e.g. fire, explosion, violent or abusive behaviour, etc.

Incident Reporting

  • Report all work related injuries, no matter how minor, promptly to technical support staff or supervising staff.
  • Contact the school’s general office or call 67721234 when treatment to injury is required.
  • Do not leave injury unattended or without treatment.

Handling Hazards

We must understand the risks involved in handling hazardous materials in the laboratories.

According to SP intro to FabLab PDF, there are many types of hazards that can occur due to machinery which include:

  • Entanglement hazards
  • Cutting hazards
  • Impact hazards/li>
  • Shearing hazards
  • Crushing hazards
  • Draw-in hazards
  • Friction and abrasion hazards